_however, hopes are getting lower and lower as time moves on_, https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10121#issuecomment, https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc, https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10121#issuecomment-356148693, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AD90FPGlliOcLwiQbPIMFB5fITE42-5Tks5tIr3GgaJpZM4JckZO, https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/keybindings, https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-macos.pdf, https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf, https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/api/frameless-window.md, https://twitter.com/joaomoreno/status/1004303587755855872?s=19, https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10121#issuecomment-395718792, https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AEVMyNsBaeorg-rczkcZsifgpi-jtPR7ks5t6lB7gaJpZM4JckZO, https://github.com/illBeRoy/ElectronScriptWindow, https://github.com/illBeRoy/ElectronScriptWindow/blob/master/src/index.js#L76, High DPI scaling for UI or settings for UI addition, Code Folding Oddity with Indented Subsequent Lines, Full uninstall does not remove installed extensions. @RoyTinker no it has no specific meaning, I just prefer to have issues that I care about assigned to no milestone unless work is starting. I'm thinking on changing from Sublime Text to VSC and this limitation is the only thing which keeps me using both of them, I'll certainly be more inclined to VSC once you guys add this! @RoyTinker chrome has "single-process" option but electron does not support it https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/11398. Dont forget we have VisualStudio Community, please consider to move some feature to VS plugin. But hey, macOS Touch Bar support is there. showing unit tests and client and server output) - so I can use the first screen fullscreen without having to open and close the side panel all the time. When that mode is enabled, the shell is indicating that it can handle multiple line pasting. @vvavrychuk by "single-process" I'm referring to the web context (sans workers) only. Find the nvm initialization script and run which npm before it runs, which should print the path when you launch a new terminal. Thought everyone would be glad to know -- this feature request just made it to #4 by upvotes. Im pretty sure there are good reasons why its not yet started. @Hypernut I thought the same. What are possible explanations for why blue states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than red states? I think it would be a good option to expose on the right-click menu for the active tab and/or items in the Open Editors document explorer. Hi, In real world we need see much more than only left/right/bottom panel, this solution https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10121#issuecomment-335013296 is great. What you should not do is whine and try to guilt trip the great team behind VS Code into feeling bad. FWIW, I use 4 monitors side-by-side. They will get back to us when there is a further update. Yeah, I'd say this feature falls firmly in the "Happy coding" category. This is a free product, and Microsoft owes us nothing. -1. This seems to share the context / workspace across windows and solves the basic multi-monitor issue. Changing that model would be rather fundamental (large) at this point. 1.) Also, if it proves to have this effect on workstations, have the opportunity to turn this feature off entirely. Obviously you can work around it by opening specific files in a separate (ctrl + shift + N) Visual Studio Code instance, but it's definitely something that should be addressed as soon as possible. I'm trying to move off JetBeans and this isn't an optional or nice-to-have feature. Obviously you can work around it by opening specific files in a separate (ctrl + shift + N) Visual Studio Code instance, but it's definitely something that should be addressed as soon as possible. I know that it is OSS. With some nice features added in (debug), brilliant support for multiple languages through plugins, cross platform etc, etc. @Krzysztof-Cieslak youre joking right? I am surprised to see that this still hasn't been added. All possible in something like Web Storm, but not VS Code. Please add this feature. This would not be movable outside of that WebView but at least you can freely position it within that. Unfortunately it does not close the older tab which is expected for the floating window idea. By default, the shell integration script should automatically activate on supported shells launched from VS Code. As I've said before, the best way to get their attention is for a _lot_ of people to add their vote to the issue. It would be really nice to see support for multiple screens or floating windows. If you have some contributions to share beside trolling, we are all happy to hear you out. That's not the solution. Split code into one screen is already enough and this kind of decision imply a lot of design implication for the User experience. @RoyTinker If your goal is to be able to freely resize and move around e.g. I can see no progress on this feature and few years past. 1. Not having it is a deal breaker. The downside is no drag and dropping tabs between them, but otherwise it works. I was not aware of that yet and I am going to use this next week on a multi-monitor system to see how well that works. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and You can help and contribute your skills to VSCode. Op 5 okt. You'll have to set the terminal default directory again for the newly opened window to build. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This behavior is baffling to me. How else should developers get info on what user base wants? An easier solution to implement (?) I can't even have them side-by-side on the same screen as the debug console takes the full bottom of the window separate to the code editor. I am afraid, they have already deemed it too complicated/too much work a long time ago, decided it's not worth it and keeping it quiet to delay the fallout as long as possible And I must say, I am getting a bit pissed off by this non-communication. I'm not an electron developer so idk if this is a limitation of electron apps or if it can be done. If I can't open directly into a new window then I need to be able to tear off a tab into a new window or to be able to drag a tab to a separate VSCode window (as created with FileNew Window), Im using a WYSIWYG viewer plugin for editing AsciiDocs. But let's stick to giving unrelated examples, accusing others of being hipsters coding on top of trees or whatever makes you guys feel better. Thanks @steinhh for the Cmd-K O keyboard combination. Even more, the windows are all equal, fully functional windows, meaning you can open a second window and close the original project window and you still have a full project window. I have 3 monitors and I usually work with 2 files at the same time @steinhh That is nice, but it is not at all what is being described in the OP. They also have limited support for line and column suffixes. Well I think then the electron team can just say that the problem is in chrome. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3527695/31317649-71a530b2-ac4d-11e7-9531-6fe2d4a2e967.gif, Support: Additionally you don't need butter anymore, which makes life definitively cheaper. Move a terminal from the panel to the editor by dragging and dropping from the tabs list. - leaf_yakitori. Also from main workspace window we as developers could create a bridge service, that would listen from child duplicated workspaces events, and main workspace window could interact with that. Possible better focus IMO, fixing word pattern selection and renaming selection, adding drag & drop support into panels, etc Also, most of the OS don't support a proper tiling system for you windows so yeah have fun managing each ones @MangelMaxime You do realize that new windows would be optional? The keybindings for copy and paste follow platform standards: Copying is done automatically on selection when terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection is enabled. nvm (Node Version Manager) users often see this error for the first time inside VS Code's integrated terminal: This is mostly a macOS problem and does not happen in external terminals. So can Ctrl-Click on one monitor, and see corresponding code on another. The Tasks feature can be used to automate the launching of terminals, for example, the following .vscode/tasks.json file will launch a Command Prompt and PowerShell terminal in a single terminal group when the window starts: This file could be committed to the repository to share with other developers or created as a user task via the workbench.action.tasks.openUserTasks command. It's expensive, it will make application maintenance harder, it will prevent users focusing code. The main benefit of this feature is opening terminal/output/problems on another monitor, so you can have a list of errors separately from the code window. Look at JetBrains - they made a successful business of building these things ;). How is this not a feature yet, it's the only feature that stops me from using VS Code exclusively.. I am getting by using a larger 4k monitor in my home office but at my work office desk where I use 4 smaller monitors this is a slowdown. Thanks VSCode Team (and whoever worked on this). So many requests for this, and they are consistently coming in too. Would be nice to have similar to PyCharm/CLion. Now drag & drop an editor tab from your project window to the new window. I'm glad I'm not alone. Besides, it's not always the code you keep watching. I really hope this won't be implemented, focusing on a single window, streamlined, editing focused UX is a strong advantage of VSCode, not disadvantage. This is the most wanted feature ever :dancer: I'm working with 3 monitors, and I need to have this feature, because sometimes in the code I need to see what functions that I need to implement from one file, and I need to open this in a separate window to copy paste what I want instead of splitting the window inside one monitor that can limit the work space area. @patrys "you are free to contribute a pull request that implements at least some of the required changes to get this working". See the GPU acceleration section for more information. Since VSCode is written with Electron "floating windows" is kinda hard to accomplish, but allowing to open the project twice would help a lot, but this doesn't seem to work either. Then comes the chaos. As a first solution it does not need to be 100% "detachable" windows. @bpasero has given his latest feedback in this comment above: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10121#issuecomment-345770248 See also our issue reporting guidelines. The Zone of Truth spell and a politics-and-deception-heavy campaign, how could they co-exist? The content in the terminal is called the buffer, with the section right above the bottom viewport being called "scrollback". By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Any estimates when VS code could be capable to do this? I'd rather the Visual Studio (proper) team become better at supporting client-side application development/debugging. @bpasero why not a complete new instance with their whole context of the browser, I end up doing it anyway when I need to open a second instance of app to fill my second monitor. And this whole "workaround" is not even practical, we need a real floating window feature like it's implemented in other editors. is bound to "Open Active File in New Window", Just my 2 cents Will it has this feature next major version? So the reference in the Iteration Plan #47369 is just a joke about getting a 4k monitor rather than a plan to support this? I agree that it would be really nice to just be able to drag an existing tab to a second monitor but this is at least a pretty painless workaround until they support dragging tabs to another monitor. Movable tabs/panels outside the main window (with the possibility of sticking to the main window) is the core function of every real editor, especially with the current large 4k screens and multi-monitor sets (in case of professional programmers). If electron has a way to open, read, and write sockets, this approach might However, I still don't see in this whole thread one link to the research, study, paper showing productivity gain of using multiple screens for text editing. 2.) I used Visual Studio as my primary editor for about 9 years, and then switched to VS Code after moving to a front-end-only project team. Until VS Code has multiple display support I do not see moving to this editor as my default. The currently integrated terminal docked to the panel right now but this usage is narrowing the editor window and it is difficult to examine logs on the terminal. +1. (Basically Dog-people), How to see the number of layers currently selected in QGIS. We are looking for the ability to pop out a window and move it where we want, basically like premire pro does with the different pallets sort of thing. In child Workspace terminal tab I can start yarn test --watch, But I see this just a loading a child session of Visual Studio Code but not fully loaded vscode, but a simplified and lighter variant of load Hope this should not take much resources, Also modules on the VSCode should communicate through some middleware, that can easily connect many instances between each other, so in child Workspace window we can see problem from ESLint for example, Maybe this "brainstorm" will be helpful for someone, hope so :). The split pane functionality is nice but not the same. Any estimates when VS code could be capable to do this? How to change the default terminal profile in Visual Studio Code Chiming in with what others have said -- Not being able to dock the various panels is a bit of a deal breaker for me as well. Besides actions will be taken to reduce system resources drain but refraining from adding new features such as this based on the age old belief that "most users won't know how to turn it off so it's on by default upon install, the software could be really slow on various computers and it will make us look bad" is the worse possible argument given for the lack of implementation because this would imply that your target user base is less technologically enclined than most. Why? Sometimes, We want to change the default Windows Powershell terminal. @bpasero "removed from backlog" -- any comment? There's no such thing as a "main" window in Xcode. Use "Ctrl K, O" to open the current file in a different vscode window for editing. This approach would be greatly appreciated in VS Code. The terminal tabs UI is on the right side of the terminal view. Hover the icon to read status information, which may contain actions. Multiple terminals can be placed side-by-side are called a group and are created by splitting a terminal: Tip: The working directory for the new terminal depends on the terminal.integrated.splitCwd setting. Would love to have this feature as well. Is there an estimation for when the top 3 features will have been implemented? for issues would be great! I think about great deal of developers have more than one monitor and using them effectively is a big win for productivity. But this will never give the same freedom as freely dragging mini specialized windows (say one for Terminal, one for git and one for say a second terminal). I give up. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux on your Windows 10 machine. I've just found this project https://github.com/illBeRoy/ElectronScriptWindow which allow use BrowserWindow without specific HTML file. In neither case do I actually want a floating window such as in Visual Studio. it seems so obvious as a feature, even in the most minimalistic editor. We all have different needs and you should not say others opinions are worthless. Already on GitHub? It seems to be a bigger task, thus it make sense to ask before going with implementation. It is unfortunate that the issue author has the priorities so ass-backwards, but I can't believe nobody at Microsoft has seen this ticket at some point over the past year, recognized the immense value in being able to drag an editor tab from one window to another (your Visual Studio crowd has been doing this for decades) and made this happen by now. 87 7. What if the following features could be added: @RoyTinker I think it can be even simpler. Well done, linking some unrelated to IDEs (or text editing in general) links to the VR hype articles in such respectable computer science / software engineering medias as Guardian and Bloomberg totally shows your point of view. There are multiple pages of github issues requesting this feature. 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